After joining Dale Carnegie Course, the breakthroughs that I have experienced are increase of self-confidence and better communication skills. Before this course, I had always fear of public speaking. So with the increase of confidence, it has helped to overcome the fear in me. I got to know most of us actually have fear in public speaking just that how we conquer it.
I got to know from Dale Carnegie Course that skills are so important to become successful. I started to realize that skills are more important than knowledge in life. Through understanding Dale Carnegie principles, I have learned many skills that can be applied in my daily life for my profession and family.
The principle that I love the most is Principle #2 - Give honest, and sincere appreciation. I think appreciating people is one of the most powerful way to encourage people. One of the famous quotes by Charles Schwab that stuck in my mind:
"I never criticized anyone. I believe in giving a person incentive to work. So I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anything, I am hearty in my appreciation and lavish in my praise."
Overall, I have become a more friendlier person and better leader at work and family. Dale Carnegie Course is an eye opener for me.
Thank You
Yours Sincerely,
Sharavana Kumar
Managing Director